This means that your PC has access to all of your iPhone content now. Remember how it was empty? Well keep waiting (it takes mine up to 2 minutes after plugging my phone in), and eventually an "Internal Storage" folder should suddenly appear. Now keep staring at the iPhone folder in Windows Explorer.If your iPhone isn't already unlocked, unlock it.If you click something and the Autoplay options disappear, you will need to unplug your iPhone and start again from Step #1. Click on it, and when the option to import via Dropbox shows up, DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING on your computer yet. The Autoplay notification should pop up on your computer by now, asking you what you would like to do with your plugged in iPhone.You'll notice in Windows Explorer, your iPhone should show up.** Double click on it.Plug your iPhone in (locked/unlocked, doesn't matter yet).Open Windows Explorer, and navigate to "This PC.".Open iTunes (not 100% sure if this is necessary).(In Windows 10, press the windows key, type "AutoPlay." In the AutoPlay settings, find your iPhone and make sure it is set to "Ask me every time. Make sure AutoPlay settings are set to "Ask Me every time" for your iPhone.Make sure Dropbox is working on your PC.
Something seems wrong with the iPhone drivers or something. Here are my steps to get it to work, but this feels like a workaround because you have to sit and wait occasionally. This issue seems related to another one that has shown up a lot on Apple forums: The iPhone's internal storage/DCIM folder appears to be empty when plugging in the iPhone. Hey! So I have been having this issue as well for a long time, and some of the other threads (such as this.